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Larry and Shauna Adams
Alberta Ram Truck Dealers
Rona Ambrose
Tom Barr and Jennifer Jones
Tom and Rosemarie Bews
BJ and Sis Bjarnson
Einer Brasso
Mel Brown
Paddy Brown
Bruce Stampede Association
Duane Bruce and Peggy Randal
Hilda Bunney
Robin and Sue Burwash
Blake Butterfield
Dee Butterfield
Greg and Maria Butterfield
Calgary Exibition and Stampede
Mary Campbell
Darrell and Bev Cholach
Merv and Dot Churchill
Mrs. Bill Collins
Marshall Copithorne
Tom Copithorne
Cowgirl Cattle Company
Miles and Joyce Crandall
Duane and Cheryl Daines
Jack and Audrey Daines
Phil and Jane Doan
Calvin and Paulette Dorland
Steve Dunham
Jim and Shirley Dunn
Dorothy Edge
Norman and Shirley Edge
Dave and Linda Garstad
John and Kathy Gillis
George Glazier
Steve Grantier
John and Maxine Gratton
Lester and Kathy Gurnett
Bob and Yvonne Hartell
Dick Havens
Denny Hay
Fred and Sharon Hay
Rod and Shelley Hay
Cinty and Tce Helmig
Bill and Ramona Holt
Harley and Ruth Hook
Tana Hooper
Sam Houston
Rick Hozack
Rocky and Laurie Hubley
Bob and Jean Hunter
Lawrence Hutchison
Jesse Hyland
Mel and Margie Hyland
Wilf Hyland
Brian and Pat Jacobson
Alfred Johansen
Don and Nancy Johansen
Jack and Glenda Johansen
Mark Johansen
Tammy and Dale Johansen
Malcolm Jones
John and Madonna Kalbhen
Kananaskis Pro Rodeo
Jim Kelts and Karry Krystal
Cash Kerner
Earl Klapstein
Keifer Larson
Catherine Laycraft
Billy and Marci Laye
Leon and Dana Laye
Lea Park Rodeo Committee
Rayel and Grant Little
Brenda Logan
Vi Logan
Joe and Sheona Lucas
Brittany Lundy
Dallas Mackie
Ken Marcinkoski
Ethan Mazurenko
Sigrun and Philip McCarthy
Mary McGregor
Mac McKie
Lachie McKinnon
Billy Melville and Family
Frank Mickey
Gene and Sharon Miller
Jean Minchau
Ben Mitchell
Stuart Morison
Verne and Helene Morrison
George Myren
Darlene and Gordon Nelson
Norris Ford Sales
Ace Northcott
Del and Debbie Northcott
Eileen Northcott
Ty and Gail Northcott
Glen and Jen O’Neill
Colton Oulette
Fred Paasche
Blaine Pederson
Len Perry
Ponoka Ag Event Centre Society
Ponoka Professional Pharmacy
Jim and Fontella Reinbold
Carol Ann Ross
Mark and Audi Roy
Doug “Shakey” Russel
Gwen Saubak
Clark and Ethel Schlosser
Wayne Schlosser
Dave Shields
Lana Sinclair
Lee Sinclair
Annette Smith
Jack Smith
Martin Sobie
Stavely Indoor Rodeo Association
Bronc Stott
Ted Stovin
Bruce Stunstrum and Jacqueline McKennit
Cam Sutherland
Cathy Sutherland
Dave and Bernice Symington
Ernest Symington
Wayne and Judy Tattersall
Dale Trottier
Blair Vold
Brenda Vold
JP Veitch
April and Becca Walters
Elaine and Neil Watt
Brian and Joy Witlow
Bill and Judi Wilson
Tanner Young
Wes Zieffle
Ivan Daines
Harris Dvorken
Kim Elliott
Bruce and Llo Flewelling
Lloyd Fowlie
Cam Lansdell
Albert Laye
Leduc Black Gold Rodeo
Rory and Kathy Marsh
Ernie Marshalll
Morris Ford Sales Ltd. Wainwright
Ken Wells